Wallpaper and wallcovering in general can be quite intimidating at first. The commitment to choose the perfect one, praying the seams will match up correctly. But when you find a good one, it can completely transform your space. Adding that extra element of drama to a room is such an easy way to make your space look thought out, unique and designed professionally. We have compiled a few of our favorite wallcoverings we have implemented in our projects throughout the years and how they have transformed our clients homes.

Author // Sydney Dezeeuw, CURE Design Assistant

This gorgeous dining room takes it to another level by selecting this large scale wallcovering print on the ceiling!  What a unique way to add drama to the space and keeping it clean and bright.

Design by Senior Designer, Cori Dyer

This custom, vibrant watercolor mural was the perfect match for this client’s love of bright bold colors and to coordinate with the monochromatic black and white accents in the rest of the home. Walking in, this is one of the first rooms you see, which set the tone for the rest of the beautifully coordinated home.   

Design by Senior Designer, Melanie Christoff

Adding this oversized floral mural made this office space feel like it was her special, separated area while still balancing with the dining room straight across and into the rest of the home. This has made it an inspiring place to work from everyday.  Large scale/graphic prints create an impact and transcend small scale prints that can become dated.

Design by Senior Designer, Melanie Christoff

This hand painted wall mural was actually inspired by a beautiful wallcovering. This brought so much more brightness and movement into this dining room while still keeping southern, traditional.  The client wanted an alternative to traditional wallpaper, so we enlisted the services of one of our Industry’s best muralists.

Design by Senior Designer, Melanie Christoff

With the entry giving off the first impression of the home, this bold orange floral wallpaper shows the vibrant, eclectic style you can preview in the study behind. This wallcovering adds lots of brightness and color to add more interest and character to this beautiful entryway.

Design by Senior Designer, Cori Dyer // Personal home and featured in St Louis Homes & Lifestyles Magazine Read more here!


Do you love or hate wallcovering?  Let us know on our Instagram!  Make sure to follow us! @curedesigngroup on Facebook and Instagram!  See you there!

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Sara Luigs
Wow time flies!! 12 YEARS!! My team and I are so thankful and grateful to all of our clients, industry partners, family, friends and fans. Cure Design Group has been like living a dream…a dream that was developed to live out my passion and inspiration through my own firm. Creating a way for designers to be creative and supported, a way for me to raise my girls and have work/life balance. I think this is something every Boss Babe wants right? Prior to CDG’s inception, I had spent 10+ years in upper management of the Fashion and Interior Design Industry. With a passion in marketing, merchandising and design, my diverse background led me into designing and creating this Interior Design Firm. With my education and experience in the industry, I am able to support my design staff and you as the client through the design and special order process to ensure the best possible experience. I am passionate about my people, my team and our clients. It is my personal mission to provide a fun and interactive environment and I will do my best to uphold your personal standards for excellence.