There is just something about being out there that puts a smile on my face. It is some of the freshest air you will ever breath, the calmest environment you could ever exist in, just like time is standing still. It’s breathtaking. I am always snapping photos, like it’s going to disappear or something. 100’s of them on my phone, clear blue summer skies, sunsets, dusty dirt roads, and glistening water – I could just keep going. The colors are so bold and beautiful and all I can think about is how I can capture that feeling, capture that memory and bring it into the home! This beautiful sunroom space is a perfect depiction of those summer colors. The crisp white walls, woodwork, and sofa really make the natural colors in the beams and window treatments stand out! The rich shades of blue and green play off of each other so nicely as well as the mixture of textile patterns throughout the space. Such a comfortable, calming and inviting room!  Love it!  It is the amazing inspiration you will find all around you!

Did you notice the unique industrial lights above the bookcase? Love those! Just another reason I love this space!

Photo sourced on Pinterest


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Sara Luigs
Wow time flies!! 12 YEARS!! My team and I are so thankful and grateful to all of our clients, industry partners, family, friends and fans. Cure Design Group has been like living a dream…a dream that was developed to live out my passion and inspiration through my own firm. Creating a way for designers to be creative and supported, a way for me to raise my girls and have work/life balance. I think this is something every Boss Babe wants right? Prior to CDG’s inception, I had spent 10+ years in upper management of the Fashion and Interior Design Industry. With a passion in marketing, merchandising and design, my diverse background led me into designing and creating this Interior Design Firm. With my education and experience in the industry, I am able to support my design staff and you as the client through the design and special order process to ensure the best possible experience. I am passionate about my people, my team and our clients. It is my personal mission to provide a fun and interactive environment and I will do my best to uphold your personal standards for excellence.